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Our Spirit "The Living Thing Within Us"

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When my son was a very small child, maybe 4, he came to me and said "mama I know what Our Spirit is", "it's the living thing within us". 

And for the first time in my life I glimpsed this truth. I was alive because the LIVING SPIRIT within me was the Living Spirit of God, separate yet One....

It was only a glimpse and it would be a fleeting one. Today 21 years later, I finally hold on to this truth and am very grateful that I can see.

What I know too, is that I, all of us can forget her, Our Pure Soul, if we do not acknowledge her and love her and know that she is our connection to God and our only true teacher, the pilot who takes us to the foot of God to sing Praises for all eternity..

WE ARE three and ALL three are ONE....WE ARE ALL ONE