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Black Aura


“What does it mean if someone has a black aura?”

It really depends.

If you are using a system to aura reading with colors and that system works for you, than use the system to derive the meaning.

If you tuned into someone’s aura and you saw a lot of black, it could mean a number of things—but it really depends on your personal frame of reference. Here are what some patterns mean to me:

  • Black aura, all the way through. For me, it means poor health. It can also mean this person has a lot of negative influences in their life.
  • Black spots. This is an entity attachment. Not from a dark entity (I don’t believe in those), but just some astral souls who are drawing energy.
  • Black lines. These are tears in the aura—where energy is leaking out and causing a drain of vital force energy.
  • Black tar. This shows up usually around a particular chakra and means that they are not able to fully utilize that energy center. It usually indicates they are not able to see the choices they have available in their life.
  • Black debris. This is like a lot of black dirt-like texture that shows up. It usually means that they have spent a lot of time trying to heal themselves and it’s just “left over” from techniques like EFT (emotional freedom), Yoga, Reiki, etc. It’s not at all dangerous, but can be cleared out pretty easily.
  • Black shadows. This is an entity that is stalking the person, following them around. This happens once in a while too and they are usually spirits who are stuck that need to move on.

After doing an internet search, here are what other aura readers read black aura colors:

  • Spiritual protection
  • Near death in the future
  • A curse placed upon them (I don’t believe in these)
  • A spell placed upon them (I don’t believe in these either)
  • Good luck
  • Bad luck
  • Dark soul (I really don’t believe in these)

The Internet doesn’t give a detailed answer like this. What I want you to do, however, is use your own personal frame of reference and vocabulary when interpreting auras. Not everyone has the luxury of being clairvoyant and you may find that you’re just clairvoyant enough to see a color. I encourage you to use all of your gifts to get to the bottom of it.

A.J. McClary

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