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Cellular Memory And Health


By default, your body is built to support health, harmony and connection between all parts. So why do we get sick, develop a disease or illness that won't easily go away? If our bodies are meant to support vitality and healing then why doesn't it just happen right away? The simplest answer in our experience over the last 20 years is that the Cellular Memory by nature contains both Positive Emotional Charge (PEC) and Negative Emotional Charge (NEC) that is constantly flowing and influencing our state of mind and body health. The PEC is our soul's birthright. It can be described as an energy field of life force that is free flowing, expanding, peaceful, non-fearful, whole and alive beyond words.

The NEC is our human condition. It can be described as an energy field of life force that is contracted; held as unprocessed traumatic experiences, negative beliefs about ourselves and others, suffocation, fear and any emotion that is a derivation of fear such as guilt, grief, shame, embarrassment, resentment, anger, etc.. We refer to the NEC's collective energy field as the Pain Body. When the NEC becomes disproportionably higher than the PEC, this leads to massive dysfunction in the human body-mind system.

Candace Pert, former Chief of the Section of Brain Biochemistry of the Clinical Neuroscience Branch at the National Institute of Mental Health, studies health influences at the neurochemical level. She noted recently that "repressing emotions can only be causative of disease. Failure to find effective ways to express negative emotions causes you to 'stew in your own juices.'"

Day after day, this chronic immersion in negativity is what appears to produce harmful influences on health. The key, according to Pert, is found in complex molecules called neuropeptides. The brain contains about 60 different neuropeptides, including endorphins. These neuropeptides are the means by which all cells in the body communicate with each other. This includes brain-to-brain messages, brain-to-body messages, body-to-body messages, and body-to-brain messages. Individual cells, including brain cells, immune cells, and other body cells, have receptor sites that receive neuropeptides. The kinds of neuropeptides available to cells are constantly changing, reflecting variations in your emotions throughout the day. The kind and number of emotion-linked neuropeptides available at receptor sites of cells influence your probability of staying well or getting sick.

Viruses use these same receptors to enter into a cell, and depending on how much of the natural peptide for that receptor is around, the virus will have an easier or harder time getting into the cell. To put it simply Candace said, "The chemicals that are running our body and our brain are the same chemicals that are involved in emotion. And that says to me that . . . we'd better pay more attention to emotions with respect to health. Under the influence of massive amounts of contraction, our cells begin to function inefficiently." The emotional charge resulting from the accumulation of NEC is blocking the receptor sites of your cells from receiving the message to upkeep basic functions. They can no longer perform the routine tasks of producing proteins that carry out the basic tasks of keeping the body in a perfect state of health. It isn't that disease and imbalance is created by our cells but rather in the "absence" of balance, disease and imbalance is created and experienced. Even with a "strict", "proper", or "ideal" diet, nutrients can no longer be assimilated efficiently into the body. This is an interesting fact since so much emphasis has been placed on the importance of diet and exercise as the keys to eliminating and preventing toxicity in the body.

In many alternative practices, there has always been a credibility and acceptance of the common link between the repressed emotion and where in the body the imbalance or disease begins to manifest. According to Oriental medicine, each organ or gland has one or more emotions that influence it. More often than not, the emotional trauma begins to manifest the imbalance in a corresponding organ or gland. With all this ancient wisdom and modern scientific research as supporting evidence, we can no longer ignore the fact that emotional toxicity plays an equal and perhaps a more dominant role in achieving optimal health.

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