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Get Your Hand Out Of My Rice Bowl



Are you hungry? You must be since you had your hand in my rice bowl.

Hunger pangs for need of recognition? Starvation for power? Ravenous  for what you think will fulfill your lack of creativity. Get your hand out of my rice bowl  … you won’t get satiated  there. Not really.

I created my rice bowl and each grain in it. Filled it will my past experiences, creative ideas and personal savvy. What good will it do you to take my rice? You cannot fill up your rice bowl with it because it my rice and it is not meant to be in your bowl. It just doesn’t mingle.. . it just doesn’t amalgamate  … It honestly won’t satisfy  your craving.

 If you had asked me to share my rice, would I have shared it? Probably. We could have worked out something more original that would have been more “ you” …  but … we will never know since you just went ahead and brazenly pirated my rice when I wasn’t looking.

I will give you credit. You did try to change the recipe and mix my rice up with other ingredients to make it look like your own unique concoction but … ahhhh … you see my rice is a rare special blend and tends to stand out amongst your strange combination. Others have noticed. Others know. It doesn’t look like you’ll win the Betty Crocker cook-off this time yet still you got some attention from those you have duped into believing how very clever you are.

Let’s face it. You are a rice klepto. You need help. Maybe a good dose of Gordon Ramsey will help. I am neither flattered or intending to overlook the fact that you had your hand in my rice bowl but there is something else for you to know.

I took a scoop from your rice bowl that had my original rice in it and made a new recipe. It is fast becoming very popular and feeding many – so many that your rice bowl has become inferior and abandoned.

What can I say?

Thanks for the inspiration.

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