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Twelve Clear Signs That A Spirit Is Near You


Many people believe in ghosts, spirits, life after death … and on the flip side there are many people that don’t.

Spirits can affect your feeling and emotions. They can drain you of your energy and make you feel completely weak.

Below we have a few signs to give you a clue that maybe someone’s around who isn’t in their physical body anymore because they’ve passed on …

1.  A sudden drop in temperature with no logical explanation. You are in a room that’s comfortably warm, and then suddenly it’s not.  (No one really knows why there is a drop in temperature when spirits are around.)

2.  Have you ever got that sudden feeling you aren’t alone anymore?  As we all are beings of energy and energy can detect other energy.  Sudden you get a feeling about something, you maybe tapping into another’s energy field.

3.  When out socializing with friends, you leave the room and on re-entering that room the energy has shifted? It feels more tense, heavy and not as much fun? You feel something is not right, but you don’t know what it is.

4.  A cold spot in a room yet it isn’t anywhere near a window, door or other opening and cannot be explained away because a fan is nearby or whatever.

5.  My favorite .. Goosebumps break out on your arms for no apparent reason.


6.  Have you been in a house where the light bulbs often blow?  Haunted houses go through a lot of light bulbs! It’s probably the energy draw that the spirits create and it simply overpowers the fragile structure of the light bulb’s light mechanism.

7.  Ah your cat hunches its back while scattering for cover, hunches its back. Possibly even hissing at nothing. Cats are in the same category as dogs though they are a lot more skittish about it.

8.  Your dog starts staring at a spot in the room. Their ears lift up.

9.  You get smells of different odors, which is a common occurrence. Could even be one of your loved ones favorite habits from smoking, baking or even perfume.

10. You see shadows out of the corner of your eyes. Or maybe an apparition, which differs from a shadow because it looks like an actual person. You’ll be able to see its clothing and facial features, though the spirit maybe transparent.

11. You hear knocking, which seems to be a relatively common form of communication from spirits, as they trying to get your attention. My mom used to hear knocking if someone she knew was going to cross over.

12. Have you ever heard footsteps in your home or someone else’s home, it’s a good sign that you maybe hearing a spirit if there is no other explanation for it.

By Yvonne Holterman


For many of us, we have come across portals throughout our days. Some of these portals were in our homes growing up. Some of them are in the homes we currently live in. Some are even in homes that we have visited either in the past or in the present. Some of these portals were opened while conjuring using such devices as Ouija boards, or calling upon entities for our spells and rituals, and some are unknown why they are there. Wherever the portal may be, and regardless of how it was opened, if it is somewhere where it needs to be closed, there is a way to do it. This is a basic spell for closing a portal. Whenever possible, you should be in front of the portal while performing a portal closing spell. If it is not possible, then you should use an image that represents the portal. Treat the image as if it were the portal itself. This image can be a hand-drawing, or an actual photo of the location of the portal. You can also use an object that represents the portal; a small box, or some glued together popsicle sticks. It doesn’t really matter what you use to represent the portal in absence of being in front of the actual portal itself as long as what you use you treat as if it is the portal itself. If using a representation of the portal, make sure it is something that can be burned. This will help to seal the portal when you are finished. Salt. You will need salt. Stand in a circle of salt to perform ritual. You will also need the salt for throwing at the portal (or representation of the portal) during appropriate times in the spell. Such as when you are commanding it cleansed and closed, etc. Candles. Candles should be lining your circle as well as a path to the portal. This is your path of energy that may not be penetrated by any other entity that you have not chosen to pass through. Candles will be lit upon casing your circle. Use whichever colors you are drawn to for this; go with what feels right. Incense is recommended. Something that suits banishing, and or calming. If you are unsure what to use, just use what feels right at the time. If you don’t have incense, don’t worry about it, just leave it out. It’s to set your mood and your mindset for the ritual and casting. A lot of people will recommend sage for a cleansing. If you wish, do so, if not, leave it out. It’s a method that works for some, but it not necessary for all. You are going to want to call upon all of the elements for this as well as whichever Gods or Goddesses that you work with. Again, not necessary, but it is method, and channels the necessary power for your mind to work the spell. Go with your beliefs because it is your beliefs that will help you. These will be called when casting your circle. I DO NOT recommend crystals for this because whatever is through that portal may attach itself to the crystals. If you are banishing negative entities, you should never ever use crystals or stones as the entity can be trapped within the stone or crystal; that can be very dangerous for anyone in possession of that stone or crystal if that should happen. So take off any jewelry that contains crystals and stones and remove them from the area before casting. Use anything else that feels right. (Like herbs and stuff.) You will want to write the spell ahead of time, making sure to use phrases such as “Away”, and “I command you”, and “I order you closed”, etc. Pick your own words that fit, but make sure they are commands that cannot be overpowered. Write it in a way that is easy to recite, and your intent is clear. You will need to recite your chant multiple times as you cast, and as you bind and throw your salt. Remain in control no matter what happens. (Strange stuff might happen, so beware.) Don’t be surprised if stuff starts flying around the room or you hear strange noises. Make it known that only YOU have the power to open this portal and use it and it will remain closed until such time as you see fit to open it, if ever. If demons or negative entities are involved: Target the banishment of any demons in the spell so that they can never come through even if it is opened again. Also, if you have specific negative entities or demons that you are dealing with alongside this portal, you may want to bind them before banishing them. Use their name (if they have given you one); you always want to use their name when banishing them if you can. While doing so, do not show any fear, these types of entities feed on your fear. Your fear gives them power; so no fear means no power for them and all the power for you. If there are no entities involved in the closing of the portal that need to be dealt with, then you can leave out the above step. Once you have gone through the ritual (as many times in a row as needed), you should feel the portal close. If using a representation of the portal, this is the time to burn it. Speak words of the closing and “never to open again” or “you are now sealed forever”, etc. to close the portal once and for all. Dispose of the ashes. Sweep up the salt and dispose of it. I suggest spreading the cast sat outside as if it is ashes to disperse the energy that has been “cleansed”. You can say a little something as you dispose of it to ensure that whatever is contained within it is all gone.

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For many of us, we have come across portals throughout our days. Some of these portals were in our homes growing up. Some of them are in the homes we currently live in. Some are even in homes that we have visited either in the past or in the present. Some of these portals were opened while conjuring using such devices as Ouija boards, or calling upon entities for our spells and rituals, and some are unknown why they are there. Wherever the portal may be, and regardless of how it was opened, if it is somewhere where it needs to be closed, there is a way to do it. This is a basic spell for closing a portal. Whenever possible, you should be in front of the portal while performing a portal closing spell. If it is not possible, then you should use an image that represents the portal. Treat the image as if it were the portal itself. This image can be a hand-drawing, or an actual photo of the location of the portal. You can also use an object that represents the portal; a small box, or some glued together popsicle sticks. It doesn’t really matter what you use to represent the portal in absence of being in front of the actual portal itself as long as what you use you treat as if it is the portal itself. If using a representation of the portal, make sure it is something that can be burned. This will help to seal the portal when you are finished. Salt. You will need salt. Stand in a circle of salt to perform ritual. You will also need the salt for throwing at the portal (or representation of the portal) during appropriate times in the spell. Such as when you are commanding it cleansed and closed, etc. Candles. Candles should be lining your circle as well as a path to the portal. This is your path of energy that may not be penetrated by any other entity that you have not chosen to pass through. Candles will be lit upon casing your circle. Use whichever colors you are drawn to for this; go with what feels right. Incense is recommended. Something that suits banishing, and or calming. If you are unsure what to use, just use what feels right at the time. If you don’t have incense, don’t worry about it, just leave it out. It’s to set your mood and your mindset for the ritual and casting. A lot of people will recommend sage for a cleansing. If you wish, do so, if not, leave it out. It’s a method that works for some, but it not necessary for all. You are going to want to call upon all of the elements for this as well as whichever Gods or Goddesses that you work with. Again, not necessary, but it is method, and channels the necessary power for your mind to work the spell. Go with your beliefs because it is your beliefs that will help you. These will be called when casting your circle. I DO NOT recommend crystals for this because whatever is through that portal may attach itself to the crystals. If you are banishing negative entities, you should never ever use crystals or stones as the entity can be trapped within the stone or crystal; that can be very dangerous for anyone in possession of that stone or crystal if that should happen. So take off any jewelry that contains crystals and stones and remove them from the area before casting. Use anything else that feels right. (Like herbs and stuff.) You will want to write the spell ahead of time, making sure to use phrases such as “Away”, and “I command you”, and “I order you closed”, etc. Pick your own words that fit, but make sure they are commands that cannot be overpowered. Write it in a way that is easy to recite, and your intent is clear. You will need to recite your chant multiple times as you cast, and as you bind and throw your salt. Remain in control no matter what happens. (Strange stuff might happen, so beware.) Don’t be surprised if stuff starts flying around the room or you hear strange noises. Make it known that only YOU have the power to open this portal and use it and it will remain closed until such time as you see fit to open it, if ever. If demons or negative entities are involved: Target the banishment of any demons in the spell so that they can never come through even if it is opened again. Also, if you have specific negative entities or demons that you are dealing with alongside this portal, you may want to bind them before banishing them. Use their name (if they have given you one); you always want to use their name when banishing them if you can. While doing so, do not show any fear, these types of entities feed on your fear. Your fear gives them power; so no fear means no power for them and all the power for you. If there are no entities involved in the closing of the portal that need to be dealt with, then you can leave out the above step. Once you have gone through the ritual (as many times in a row as needed), you should feel the portal close. If using a representation of the portal, this is the time to burn it. Speak words of the closing and “never to open again” or “you are now sealed forever”, etc. to close the portal once and for all. Dispose of the ashes. Sweep up the salt and dispose of it. I suggest spreading the cast sat outside as if it is ashes to disperse the energy that has been “cleansed”. You can say a little something as you dispose of it to ensure that whatever is contained within it is all gone.

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