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Who Is Azna?


There is duality in every living aspect of this infinite universe and that includes it's Creator. There is Father God, who is omnipotent, perfect, all-loving and all-knowing..

AND there is MOTHER GOD, AZNA. She is the counterpart of the Father, worshipped as His equal and His complement for more than twenty thousand years.
The Father is the intellect of creation, the constant, unchanging, unmoved Mover.

Mother God is the emotion. She can move, nurture, intervene and interfere. Earth is the most emotionally driven of the inhabited planets, so the relationship between Azna and earth is especially close as She takes form from time to time to create miracles.

She is the harmonizer, the active helper and keeper of life. Her dominion is all living things on earth, from which the cherished image of Mother Nature was inspired.

She's been called the Lady of Lotus by Buddhists, as well as Ashara, Theodora, Sophie and Isis in faiths and cultures throughout the world for centuries upon centuries.

Without the all-knowing, all-perfect intellect of Father God, we would be pure emotion. Without Azna, we would be pure intellect, without the instinctive empathy that tells even the most unconditional eternal love when a hand needs to be held or a comforting hug offered.

Azna has been worshipped by many names and in many cultures, since at least as far back as the ancient Greeks.  In approximately 415 B.C. Plato wrote of her, calling her "Ge". The Romans revered her by the name of Terra Mater or the Mother of Earth.

And then along came Christianity, and Wester religion in general, which, for all it's magnificence, seemed determined from the beginning to become a patriarchy, starting with Eve, the first woman, but of course created second, from Adam's rib, as if she were simply an extension of him.  Eve's primary legacy seems to be the introduction of sin into the paradise of the Garden of Eden. If you think Eve was shocking, by the way, read the section of Lilith, who, according to Jewish mythology, was Adam's first wife but was kicked out of Eden for refusing to be submissive to him.  In a patriarchal religion, there was no use for a Mother God, even as a compliment to the Father, a natural part of the Godhead in a creation that everywhere else you look is a duality... created, as the Bible reiminds us, in His image.

She is His emotion, the perfection that compliments His perfection.

Whether you believe in Her or not, include Her in your prayers from time to time. Thank Her for Her part in your creation if you choose, and ask for some small gesture from Her just out of curiosity - an unexpected flower, a call from an old friend you haven't heard from in a very long time, something that will definitely catch your attention, but be specific. Your belief in Her is not a condition to Her generosity.

Like her counterpart, the other half of the Godhead, who is the Father God, Azna adores you and your spirit's greatest happiness is Her joy.

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