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Group: Terence McKenna

Group Creator: I Was Here
Members: 129
Terence McKenna (1946-2000) is a master at synthesizing entheogens and shamanism. The purpose of this group is to assemble audio, text, and video archives of McKenna's works so that they can be available for study to those who seek this information. Terence was an American researcher, philosopher, speaker, spiritual teacher and writer on many subjects. His works are wide-scoped, ranging from consciousness, the human experience, psychedelic substances and their role in societies, evolution of civilizations, origin of the universe to aliens.
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Contributed Content

Title Author
(1982) Terence McKenna - Exploring The Abyss I Was Here
(1999) Terence McKenna - Interview at AllChemical Arts Conference by Jon Hanna and Sylvia Thyssen I Was Here
(1997) Terence McKenna - Terence McKenna Speaks: Mind States Conference I Was Here
(2012) The Terence McKenna Omnibus 2012 I Was Here
(2008) Terence McKenna - The Alchemical Dream I Was Here
(1999) Terence McKenna - The Last Word I Was Here
(1999) Terence McKenna - Psychedelics In The Age Of Intelligent Machines, Or, Shamans Among The Machines I Was Here
(1998) Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake - The Evolutionary Mind I Was Here
(1995) Terence McKenna - TimeWave Zero I Was Here
(1995) Terence McKenna - Evolving Times I Was Here
(1995) Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake - Metamorphosis I Was Here
(1994) Terence McKenna - The World and Its Double I Was Here
(1998) Terence McKenna - Final Earthbound Interview I Was Here
(1993) Terence McKenna - Prague Gnosis Dialogues I Was Here
(1993) Terence McKenna w/Spacetime Continuum - Alien Dreamtime I Was Here
(1993) Terence McKenna - Taxonomy of Illusion I Was Here
(1991) Terence McKenna - Seeking the Stone I Was Here
(1990) Terence McKenna - Thinking Allowed - Aliens and Archetypes I Was Here
(1990) Terence McKenna - Opening the Doors of Creativity I Was Here
(1990) Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna - Lecture in Maryland I Was Here
(1990) Terence McKenna - Experiment At Petaluma I Was Here
(1987) Terence McKenna - Shamanic Approaches to the UFO I Was Here
(1987) Terence McKenna - The Psychedelic Society I Was Here
(1988) Terence McKenna & Rupert Sheldrake - Forms and Mysteries I Was Here
(1988) Terence McKenna - Thinking Allowed - Hallucinogens and Culture I Was Here
