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We Really Don't Know Anything Do We?



Think you know it all? Listen up!

"Why don't people know anything? Why do the people think they know things and talk about how others don't know anything? Why is it so easy to get people to call other people, sheep? Is that not just a new underground pop thing to say? You have homophobia, this could be sheepo-phobia.
Everybody calls everybody else a sheep. They talk about how they're awake. People believe that if they watch a 6-hour video by David Icke, or watch End Game by Alex Jones, or study the Iluminati online, they believe that after doing so, that that has anything, in any way to do with being awake ... They believe it, I am not kidding. They can't get enough. Addicted to posting their opinion in a forum. Chasing that white rabbit, everywhere it goes ...." Jonathan Adampants
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