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INDIA - Exec. Admin.'s blog

The Saint And The Scorpion

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One day a saint was taking a bath in a river. His disciple sat on the bank with the saint's clothes, asana and rosary. The saint noticed a scorpion struggling in the current.


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The Shekhinah describes the Brow Chakra. It comes from the ancient Jewish lore in which Shekhinah is known as the feminine face of God. We know this to be the concept of the Goddess who rules over the inner consciousness of life and provides healing, vision and above all, love.

Vishnu - Protector Of The Cosmos

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As the preserver of the cosmos, Vishnu upholds the universal laws. Unlike Shiva, who often seeks refuge in the forest to meditate, Vishnu constantly participates in worldly affairs and ensures that all is well.

Blessing & Protection Of Lord Shiva For This Site

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Meditation On Lord ShivaShaantam padmaasanastham shashadharamakutam panchavaktram trinetram,Shoolam vajram cha khadgam parashumabhayadam dakshinaange vahantam;Naagam paasham cha ghantaam damaruka sahitam chaankusham vaamabhaage,Naanaalankaara deeptam sphatika maninibham paarvateesham namaami.


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