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Can You Be In The Military Without Negative Effects?


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When you join the military, you sign over your life and your freewill. They can move you wherever they want, experiment on you, send you into combat to die, etc. So although it sounds like a brave and adventurous move to see the world, your world actually grows smaller because you can only be where they order you to be. Also basic training requires some degree of breaking you down and remolding you. That’s brainwashing. The mental focus is on killing, violence, ruthlessness, cunning, machismo, and the enemy. That mindset puts you squarely in the realm of STS/Service-to-Self frequencies.

You also enter directly into the grips of the black operations projects, the military abductors and mind programmers who possess advanced technology. This means anyone in the military is way more susceptible to abduction, implantation, and mind control than a civilian. That’s why there are so few whistleblowers at the deep black levels, because anyone who gets clearance also gets higher and higher degrees of monitoring and control. It’s very bad news to get involved in that stuff, because ultimately it’s no different from joining a satanic coven and making pacts with demonic entities. It carries karmic consequences into other lives.

The surface military is inconsequential. By that I mean the military that your neighbor could join. The deeper black/shadow military residing in underground bases, those are the ones that concern me. Because whereas the surface military is used to depopulate the gullible and carry out political actions on the world stage, it’s the shadow military that really controls things. I think they interface with the alien levels of the control system. They have very advanced technology, but not fully on par with alien technology, though it’s similar yet clunkier too and more limited to spacetime instead of being fully etheric or hyper-dimensional. Anyway, they are like the theater crew behind the curtain that you never see, that preps the stage characters and props and controls the lighting.

Their recruits do include members of the surface military. For instance, you join the surface military and get monitored/tested for your abilities. If you have something unusual like a strong intellect and/or psychic powers, you may get pulled aside to work on a secret project. Those who get really deep give up their old lives, maybe have a fake death, and continue working in the shadow military world doing who knows what. I doubt they remain themselves anymore, they’re probably so programmed and implanted by that point. I heard that if you work for such projects, your thoughts are monitored 24/7 for any sign of contradiction or dissent, and you are dealt with accordingly. Thus the environment is highly controlled and people are scared to even think or question other than what little compartmentalized job they are told to do. In there you also have the sicko power trippers who participate in military/alien abductions and engage in things like torture and rape of abductees, just because they can. A lot of them are societal rejects with no family connections, who got involved in criminal/satanic activities and were recruited through their connections to serve in these underground bases. If it can happen at Abu Ghraib, it happens all the time in the black military world, intentionally so.

So overall, I’d say the military is just another tool of the control system, and joining it means giving away rights to your mind, body, and soul. Not to say all military personnel are evil, as it appears there could be some fifth columnists and genuine “patriot” types who are just stuck in a hard place between keeping their positions and throwing a coup. Probably lots of secret infighting and cold-war type internal battles that we don’t see in the public. Not anything I’d want to be part of.

Tom Montalk

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