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Body Language Expert On The First Presidential Debate 2020


Telling body language analysis by the Body Language Ghost, Mandy O'Brien a body language reader who specializes in reading videos online for everyone to see. She has also been somewhat controversial at times but she does have a clear vision. Her goal is to teach people to be able to identify and see deception in body language. Being able to read people is useful in all walks of life, from our personal relationships, to the deceptions that are consciously practiced by politicians and public figures. She is often censored which makes seeking the truth all the more important.

Mandy says:

My goal is to teach people to be able to identify and see deception in body language.
This is useful in all walks of life, from our personal relationships to the deceptions practiced by our politicians & public figures.
Maybe it will improve society by forcing dishonest people to become honest, or at least perhaps they’ll be called out when they are not.

However deception is not always meant with bad intent, so it is important to understand the context behind it.  i.e. Don’t be too mad when you ask your husband if he likes your new hairstyle, and he says “yes” but his body doesn’t sing.

I get asked a lot about credentials.  There is no ‘Body Language Degree’.  As the world is so polarized, I prefer to keep my personal details to a minimum. I am not looking to become famous. With all the threats these days against certain peoples, it is better this way as I have my family to consider and they are my first priority.

Those who have followed me for a while, however, will know the proof is in the pudding.

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