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Self Respect - The most powerful form of self respect is when you honor yourself through your words and act from a level of integrity and honesty that reflects your higher self. This means you display behavior and attitudes that reflects the values that you say you believe in. When you respect yourself, you stand by your deepest truth, know your inner most feelings and make yourself the authority of your feelings, instead of giving this authority to other people.

Believe in yourself and know that you did the best you knew how at the time, even if later you saw a better way. Allow yourself to feel good about who you are. Rest, think, take time to be alone and to be silent. Follow your own inner flow. This is how you nurture yourself and increase your self esteem.

Respect Yourself - You don’t have to be around people who don’t respect you or treat you well and if you find yourself around people like this, remember that they are not respecting you because they do not respect themselves. Not everyone you encounter is going to treat you with respect. Relationships you have with other people can only be as good as the relationship they have with themselves and vise versa. There’s no need to get angry or demand your rights. That will only create a power struggle. Accept that they can’t recognize their own greater selves, so they’re unable to recognize your greater self.

Self Worth - It’s easy to feel self worth when other people are being respectful to you. The real challenge is to respect yourself and appreciate your value when those around you do not. Acknowledging that you have self worth, allows you to let go of any need for other people to validate you. If you need people outside of yourself to validate you in order to feel good about yourself, then you’re giving away your power. It may feel good when others believe in, trust and support you; but if you want to keep your power, realize that you don’t need anyone but yourself to validate who you truly are.

Being sensitive to other people’s feelings is not the same as trying to please them. Be more aware of the effect you have on other people. The more you respect them, the more respect you will get back. Respect their worth, their time and values and you will find they will respect yours.

Respect and value your truth - Your truth may be different from that of other people. Don’t automatically accept someone else’s truth unless it resonates as truth for you also. You’re a special being whose dreams, fantasies and goals are just as important as anyone else’s.

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