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Green Spaghetti (It's tastier than it sounds)


2 Bags Baby Spinach (8 or 10 oz bags are fine)

about 1/3 of that in Fresh Basil (about a handful, not TOO much)

8 oz block of Feta

1 or 2 medium onions

2 to 4 garlic cloves

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Spaghetti Noodles


This is going to take a lot of pots and pans. But worth it in my opinion.  Get a pot filled with water (not all the way of course), throw in your spinach and basil and cook it for about 10 min. 

Meanwhile, coarsely chop up the onions and garlic (It won't matter because you are going to blend them later).  Saute your onions and garlic in olive oil until tender.  When the Spinach and Basil leavs are done, drain the pot, but don't squeeze all of the water out of the leaves.

In the OTHER meanwhile, coarsely chop your feta.  Take that, the olive oil/onion/garlic and the leaves and either throw them in a blender or food processor.  You may need to add a little water to thin it up. Conversely, you can always use a little milk too, but I stick with water.  It should look like the ectoplasm from Ghostbusters.

Oh yes, boil your pasta. of course.

This is a very easy Peruvian recipe, and the original recipe calls for a nice huge thin steak simply fried and thrown on top, but for vegetarians you can leave that step out.




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