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Scents of the Rays

Certain scents also contain the essence of a Ray force. Often, before the appearance of an Ascended Being or Angel, a fragrance will frequently imbue the area. Since these highly evolved, spiritual beings have focused their energies upon certain, specific Ray energies, the scent carries the same vibration of the Ray, much in the same way as light or sound. Very often this aroma holds a healing energy or heightens the energies in the room for the appearance of the Master Teacher. This explains appearances of Mother Mary often accompanied by the strong scent of roses, or Kuan Yin's scent of neroli, (orange blossom). Saint Germain often leaves a fragrance of lavender.

Today it is popular to burn certain incenses and smudge a room with sage to purify the energies. These traditions that have come from shamans and different religious ceremonies are also enhancing and reinforcing Ray energies! Here are some aromas associated with Ray forces.

Blue Ray: Myrrh, Frankincense, Cedar and Juniper.

Yellow Ray: Sandlewood and Lotus.

Pink Ray: Jasmine and Gardenia.

White Ray: Rose and Nag Champa.

Green Ray: Mint, Wintergreen. (Sage is also good for the Green Ray - it also vibrates to the Gold (Sun) Ray.)

Ruby Ray: Musk and Camphor.

Gold Ray: Ginger and Cinnamon.

Violet Ray: Lavender and Lilac.

Archangels, Ascended Masters and Ray Forces

All Ascended Beings and Archetypes of Evolution have applied the Rays to achieve higher states of perfection. Through their knowledge of the grand interplay of the Rays, they have overcome karmic reaction and retribution, opened the doors of liberation and have achieved higher states of consciousness and perfect enlightenment. Each Ascended Master individualizes themselves upon a Ray force when in service as a Master Teacher to humanity and the qualities and attributes of their teaching will clearly reflect the energies of that particular Ray. Very often before Saint Germain speaks, he will qualify the discourse (teaching) through the Ray force. A typical greeting is, "I AM Saint Germain, and I stream forth on the Mighty Violet Ray of Mercy, Compassion, and Forgiveness."

Similarly, Archangels also work on a specific, qualified Ray force. Here are the seven Archangels and the Rays that they represent. Following is a Master Teacher for each ray force. (Please note that a Master Teacher may, at times work with all seven Rays to achieve a specific mission. However, it has been noted that certain Master Teachers primarily work with certain rays and they are often identified with that Ray force and are listed as an example for teaching purposes. Each Master Teacher listed is an example only as there are many Master Teachers working on all of the Rays.)

Blue Ray: Archangel Michael. Master Teacher El Morya

Yellow Ray: Archangel Jophiel. Master Teacher Lanto

Pink Ray: Archangel Chamuel. Beloved Mother Mary

Green Ray: Archangel Raphael. Master Teacher Hilarion

White Ray: Archangel Gabriel. Master Teacher Serapis Bey

Ruby & Gold Ray: Archangel Uriel. Master Teacher Kuthumi (Lord Sananda is often identified with this Ray, as well as the Green Ray.)

Violet Ray: Archangel Zadkiel. Master Teacher Saint Germain. (Kuan Yin is often identified with this Ray, as well as the Pink Ray.)

The Esoteric Science Behind Chakra & Vortex Systems

Since Ray forces are present everywhere, their esoteric science is generating and directing all of creation. At the moment of your birth a snapshot is taken of your astral (light and sound) body. This same information when converted into the mathematical formulas of Ancient Vedic Rishis becomes your Rasi, or natal Jyotish (Hindu Astrology) chart. When approached through the language of the Rays, Astrology becomes the logic of the astral body, astral~logic. Each soul chooses the moment of birth so that it has the proper amount of light and sound (the Rays) to fulfill the purpose (dharma) and experiences (karma) of the individual life. The Seven Rays of creation indicate their interplay in every chart, through weaknesses and strengths, manifesting the destiny and actions of the soul. This is why women in childbirth experience short and/or long labors as the soul is picking the perfect moment of birth!

Light and sound is dispersed through the circular movement of the chakras. Clockwise movement indicates a healthy chakra, and it is taking energy in. Counter-clockwise movement may indicate disease, or the chakra is removing energies. The septanate order of the Rays is also found in the human energy system; seven chakras and seven layers to the auric field. Each of the seven chakras also relate to each of the Rays. However, in practice unless if the chakras are perfected or balanced, they will emanate many different colors. The table below shows the relationship of the seven chakras to each of the Rays. This segment of information is purely Vedic. (You will note that two Ray forces identify with the heart chakra - the Blue Ray and Pink Ray. This blend of energies depict the perfected state of the heart center - open and receptive (Pink Ray) yet, imbued with the qualities of justice, order and detachment - the ability to act without bias (Blue Ray).)

Blue Ray: Heart Chakra

Yellow Ray: Third Eye Chakra

Pink Ray: Heart Chakra

White Ray: Sexual Chakra

Green Ray: Throat Chakra

Ruby & Gold Ray: Root Chakra (Ruby) Solar Plexus (Gold)

Violet Ray: Crown Chakra


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