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I like to bitch.

I like to bitch A LOT.

Complain is my middle name.

It's the usual - people are not only wrong - they are always wrong. No one understands me. It's raining, it's snowing, it's too hot, it's too cold. I have nothing to wear. There is nothing good on TV. My head hurts, my back hurts, even my @ss hurts. My boss stinks, my job stinks - hell, my life stinks!

So, how is this working for me? After a few seconds of satisfaction and attention the outcome is:


What am I doing wrong? Could it be that I am expecting others or some outside stimulus to fulfill my needs?

Maybe I just need to stop being lazy OR maybe I am suffering from the projection boomerang.

Let's face it. The world is a nothing more than a projection of what is going on inside you. If you a dissatisfied within yourself then the outside world can be a place of misery and horrors. If balance and reality are applied then it really is not so bad out there. This of course requires an objective attitude and a release of some pretty subjective ingrained habitual thinking. If I am intent upon self victimization then my goose is pretty much cooked and I will stay entrenched in misery because nothing will ever look good out there and people, well they will always be nothing but a bunch of cold-hearted b*tches and b*astards. Right?

What ensues from this behavior is one ruined relationship after another until they are no relationshis left and a self-imposed hermitsville. No one wants to listen to constant fault-finding. I'm not gaining any human points, just created a whole lot of suffering.

The funny part about all of this behavior is that there are successful people out there who fit into this whine/opine category. They have money, cars, jewels, even fame but in almost all cases no decent relationships that last. Happiness is not in "things" but occurs in relations with others. Hmmm, why can't it be figured out? They just keep bitching because it is familiar and comfortable.


Maybe it's just a lack of fortitude based in fear.

Maybe it's time to step out of the loop.

That's where confidence steps in - and yes lack of real confidence is an extenstion of fear leading to more aggression and a hate for life circumstances. Maybe it drove you to accomplishment but there was also dissatisfaction and maybe even self-loathing which was projected outward. It has been your problem the whole time. It's how you turned yourself into the bitch bully that you are.

Try letting some gratitude step in.

Gratitude you say?

Yes, gratitude so stop bitching. Let the sun shine in.

You may have nothing but when you think about something as simple as a beautiful day is enough to feel gratitude.

It's a beautiful day and a good start to what I want or need to do today.

Wow. There's an eye-opener.

Train yourself to see a happy ending no matter where you are or what you are doing. Just visulaize it and see what happens. And for heaven's sake find some humor in the fallacies of life.

“The struggle ends when gratitude begins.” Neale Donald Walsch

OK. I'm done bitching.